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Family Law

Understanding Unmarried Fathers’ Rights in California

In California, more than 35% of babies are born out of wedlock. Cultural norms are evolving, but this trend presents some unique complications in the event of a custody dispute. What happens if the father wants custody or visitation rights? We’re here to clear up the confusion about unmarried fathers’ rights in California. Does an […]

Domestic Violence Statistics in San Diego

Domestic violence remains a serious problem across the United States, as about 20 individuals are abused by their intimate partners each minute nationwide. This amounts to 10 million–plus men and women. San Diego is no different when it comes to the prevalence of domestic violence in “the birthplace of California.” Let’s take an objective look […]

How Fathers Can Prepare for Custody Battles

  As a dad, you take pride in being able to see your children grow up and become independent contributors to the world around them. When you’re contending with a highly contested divorce, however, in which child custody and child support are in question, and where the mother may be more likely to be granted […]

Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense & Family Law Attorney

You’ve just decided to part ways with your spouse, but your divorce process will not be an ordinary divorce proceeding. That’s because you’ve also decided to file a restraining order against your soon-to-be-ex. Or, perhaps you’re the one who has had a restraining order filed against you, or you have been charged with a crime, […]

What to Expect During Divorce Proceedings

You and your spouse have determined that breaking up is your best option. You have differences that you simply can’t reconcile, and you’re ready to move on with your own life.  What now? The reality is, embarking on the divorce process can be intimidating, especially if you and your future ex-spouse have a large number […]

San Diego Trust Attorney

Divorce lawyer in San Diego can guide one through the overwhelming challenges Family law is a body of law that encompasses a wide array of issues related to family and domestic matters. A person faced with a family or domestic law issue may feel stress because of it’s often complex nature. Best San Diego family […]

How to Change Child Custody Jurisdiction: San Diego Guide

It is not uncommon for a divorce to occur in a military family that has lived in several different military towns—including San Diego—over the course of years. Sometimes a couple will separate and end up living in different cities or states before the divorce case is filed. In fact, sometimes unmarried couples have a child […]

What Does ‘Personalized Service’ Mean?

Most people have never had to hire an attorney, for divorce or anything else.  But when you do, you should hire an attorney who is 100% dedicated to serving you, the client.  You may have heard the term “team of attorneys” or “army of lawyers.” Hire Divorce Lawyer In San Diego for  handling cases and providing […]

Stepparent Adoption And Termination Of Parental Rights

Stepparent Adoption and termination of Parental Rights What is termination of Parental rights in a divorce?  When attempting to get an absent parent to pay child support seems like more trouble than it is worth, there is another option when a parent has remarried.  That is stepparent adoption, which confers upon the stepparent all the […]

Why Is Divorce So Expensive?

San Diego Divorce Lawyer – Why is divorce so expensive? You may have heard the question answered sarcastically, “Because it’s worth it.”  There is a grain of truth in that, but it is hard to deny the fact that divorce is unnecessarily expensive.Hire San Diego Family Court Services Attorney for  handling cases and providing quality […]

Pre-Judgment Child Custody Disputes

When the parties to a forthcoming divorce separate, the issue of child custody can become a thorny issue.  Often it takes time before the court hearing the divorce matter addresses the issue of child custody in a formal way.  Several steps have to occur, such as child custody mediation.Hire Best San Diego Family law Attorney […]

Is Your Divorce Attorney Ethical?

Attorneys are professionals governed by a professional code of conduct.  The attorney must take care to avoid conflicts of interest.  These often arise where the attorney has a current or prior relationship with a person or party adverse to the client.  Conflicts also arise in determining the best course of action on a case.  Obviously, […]