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Child Support Arrears in California: What You Need to Know

The ripple effects of divorce and child custody disputes last long after the divorce proceedings, particularly when it comes to your children. If you’re facing child support arrears in California, your ex-spouse is likely contacting you about it frequently. You may have even been contacted by their lawyer asking you to settle your child support […]
Emergency Protective Orders: Should They Be Served in Public?

Emergency Protective Orders: Should They Be Served in Public?

In cases of domestic violence, child abuse, and abduction, emergency protective orders (EPO) serve as critical tools in addressing immediate threats. However, a recent incident at the 4S Commons Town Center has ignited a debate on whether to serve them in public spaces. San Diego Police Sergeant Anthony Elliott was tragically shot in the head […]
Man drinking without knowledge of a San Diego DUI checkpoint

San Diego DUI Checkpoints: Your Rights and What to Expect

Encountering a San Diego DUI checkpoint can be an anxiety-inducing experience. In those unexpected moments when flashing lights and uniformed officers signal you to halt, it’s crucial to understand your rights. While California Vehicle Code 2814.2 mandates drivers to stop at properly marked checkpoints, police cannot search your vehicle without a warrant. Today, I’ll explain […]
Police officers waiting outside with a warrant for your arrest

What To Do When There’s a Warrant for Your Arrest

Facing the distressing situation of having a warrant for your arrest in California can be overwhelming. As a criminal defense attorney, I, Michael C. MacNeil, understand the importance of grasping the implications and taking immediate action to navigate this challenging circumstance. This quick read aims to provide clear and informative guidance to address this issue […]

Understanding the Impact of SB 731 on Criminal Record Relief

As a legal expert, I understand the profound impact that Senate Bill 731 has on criminal record relief for millions of Californians. SB 731 helps address barriers ex-offenders commonly face when seeking employment, housing, and education. The bill aims to seal conviction and arrest records for eligible individuals who successfully avoid committing additional felonies for […]

Understanding Criminal Record Expungement in California

For many individuals with a criminal past, the burden of a conviction feels like a heavy weight that’s difficult to shake off. It significantly hinders the pursuit of employment, housing, and education opportunities. The harsh reality is that the damaging effects of a felony can follow the person long after serving their time. In the […]

Bail in California: What is a PC 1275 Hold?

As a legal professional who has witnessed countless criminal cases unfold, I understand how overwhelming and intricate navigating the justice system can be. One particularly stressful aspect is the PC 1275 Hold. In this blog post, I’ll shed light on this penal code, which directly impacts the burden of proof in criminal cases and potential […]

AB 960: Expanding California Compassionate Release

As an experienced criminal justice professional from San Diego, I am passionate about advocating for more humane and empathetic incarceration methods. Recently California passed AB 960, which offers a compassionate release for inmates who suffer from infirmities or are facing the inevitabilities of old age. This article will discuss the specifics of this revolutionary bill, […]

Understanding The Safer Streets for All Act & Racial Profiling in California

Over the last few years, conversations around law enforcement and public safety have frequently centered on discriminatory profiling. As a prime example in California, the criminalization of loitering with intent to commit prostitution has disproportionately impacted communities of color, the LGBTQ, and transgender individuals. This unjustified practice has been used primarily as an instrument for […]

Criminal Justice Lawyers & California Criminal Justice Reform

As criminal justice systems across the nation continue to address mass incarceration, police brutality, and racial profiling, many people are left wondering what this means for them. In California, criminal justice reform is a hot topic, and many different voices have been clamoring for change for years. The cost of our broken system is staggering […]


Although most people assume battery and assault charges are the same, they are two different crimes in California. Battery falls under California Penal Code 242PC, and assault falls under Penal Code 240PC. The difference between assault and battery is what the result of the action looks like: did the alleged assailant go through with their […]

About Non-Violent Crimes in California

Changes to Penalties for Non-Violent Crimes  Republicans and Democrats have been arguing over proposed changes to Proposition 47, the law passed in 2014 that lessened penalties for many non-violent offenses in California.The law could be changed, with penalties increased, or it could be repealed completely.  With these changes possibly coming and affecting your sentence or […]